In the press:
"Religious Leader Takes His Calling to Ground Zero"
New York Times, September 20, 2001
"For Tsunami Survivors, A Touch of Scientology"
Washington Post, January 27, 2005
"Meeting the Scientology Volunteers..."
The Sunday Leader, Sri Lanka, February 20, 2005
"Accomodating Spiritual and Physical Needs"
Virtual Library Sri Lanka, February 28, 2005
"With Camera and Pen"
ENTER magazine, May 24, 2006
"Behind The Relief Work - Danish Photographer Documents the Relief Work"
CLEAR magazine, June 15, 2006
"After The Tsunamiis not just a beautiful book, it is a journey"
Scientology Today, October 26, 2006
"The tsunami relief effort was not only the largest mobilization of Scientology Volunteer Ministers to that date, it was also the most diverse."
Scientology Today, November 1, 2006
"What motivates volunteers to travel thousands of miles during times of disaster, to live under the same desperate conditions as those they seek to help?"
Scientology Today, November 2, 2006
"Theme of the Month - The Art of Photography"
Find-en-kunstner.dk, January 2, 2007
"Scientology Volunter Ministers at Ground Zero" video documentary with testimonials from New York Fire Department and others (March 2008).
What exactly are the Scientology Volunteer Ministers doing in Haiti?
The Today Show, February 3, 2010
Public appearances:
Visit the Scientology Volunteer Ministers blog for latest new on the Haiti relief situation and other current situations [click here]
"Scientology Volunteer Ministers Who Were There"
Alissa Sears and Sarah Sears who worked for three months in Sri Lanka coordinating the relief work tell their story at the Church of Scientology Celebrity Centre, Los Angeles, April 6, 2006 @ 18:30
Feel free to write to Thorsten Overgaard for questions and comments at thorsten@overgaard.dk